300 to 10 - Synthesis

We are currently in the Synthesis stage of the "300to10" Concepts phase of the Community Design Process. By April we will have 10 concepts for the Civic Hall Site to present to the Ballarat City Council.

These 10 concepts derived from the 300+ that were collected during the Gathering phase.


Here are the 'synthesis notes' from each day at the Open Door Studio during this phase...


Day #11 - Thursday 12 March 2015, 12pm-7pm


Day #10 - Tuesday 10 March 2015, 9am-5pm


Day #9 - Saturday 7 March 2015, 10am-1pm


Day #8 - Thursday 5 March 2015, 12pm-7pm


Day #7 - Tuesday 3 March 2015, 9am-5pm


Day #6 - Thursday 26 February 2015, 12pm-7pm


Day #5 - Tuesday 24 February 2015, 9am-5pm


Day #4 - Thursday 19 February 2015, 12pm-7pm


Day #3 - Tuesday 17 February 2015, 9am-5pm


Day #2 - Thursday 12 February 2015, 12pm-7pm


Day #1 - Tuesday 10 February 2015, 9am-5pm


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